Thank you for attending our November 9, 2016 webinar, The CMS Rule on HCBS and the DOJs Enforcement of Title II of the ADA. We hope it met your expectations and that you came away with a better understanding of the changes set forth in the Final Rule.

For your convenience, you can watch a recording of the live webinar by pressing play on the video below. The handouts that were available during the presentation, including the new Statement from DOJ on Employment and the ADA, are also available below.

If you have any questions about the presentation or any of the content below, please do not hesitate to contact Irwin Siegel Agency’s Risk Management Department by calling 800.622.8272 or by emailing

About the Presenter:
Allan I. Bergman is the President and CEO of HIGH IMPACT, a national consulting and training firm he established in 2010. He is an accomplished non-profit community agency and association executive and nationally recognized thought leader in influencing the development of federal and state policy reflecting “best practice” community supports and services for persons with disabilities and their families. Allan is also a national expert in Medicaid policy and practice in primary care and long term services and supports for children and adults with disabilities and their families and he has extensive knowledge of the Affordable Care Act.